Bruises and Blood Spots Under the Skin

While waking up with a few minor bruises after drinking may not be cause for concern, repeated or excessive bruising should be evaluated for an underlying disorder. Listen to your body and don’t assume all bruises related to alcohol are inevitable. Any of these signs could signal an issue drug addiction treatment with platelets or clotting factors requiring diagnosis. Certain medications and health conditions can also increase bruising risks independent of alcohol. Most people who drink heavily will progress through the stages of liver damage described above over time.
- It can be hard to think through an alcoholism problem on your own, but with the help of a therapist and addiction treatment professionals, you can gain control.
- And since the liver controls blood clotting, alcohol-related liver disease can cause increased bruising, as well.
- When it comes to drinking alcohol, several factors can increase the risk of bruising.
- During sleep, the body undergoes neurological changes that can predispose individuals to nocturnal cramps.
- Take note if you experience frequent bruising in any of these areas after drinking.
Check Your Symptoms
One method is to alternate between alcoholic beverages and glasses of water. This will assist in avoiding dehydration and allow you to thoroughly enjoy your night without any unwanted repercussions. Finally, a person with an alcohol use disorder will likely give up other activities, because their focus is on drinking. However, the person often can’t recall the events that happened during an alcoholic blackout, which alcohol and bruising on legs can include bumps, falls, and accidents that may have caused bruises.
Why Do You Bruise More Easily After Drinking?
- Plus, you’re more susceptible to an accidental fall or bump after you’ve been drinking, anyway.
- When you want to unlock your front door to go home after a night of drinking, you see the lock, and your brain sends a signal to your hand to move the key toward it.
- Dehydration reduces blood volume and impairs circulation, exacerbating the likelihood of cramps.
- Drinking alcohol can make you more prone to easy bruising and bumping into things.
Meanwhile, binge drinking focuses more on how quickly and how much you drink in one sitting. The CDC defines binge drinking as drinking that brings your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08% or more. This is usually achieved if you consume five or more standard drinks on a single occasion for men or four or more drinks on a single occasion for women. Ensuring that you do not drink at this level could be a wise way to limit your risk of unusual bruising.

low blood platelets but other results normal

Other alcohol-related liver diseases resulting from consistent liver inflammation, like alcoholic jaundice (aka alcoholic hepatitis), are also common with chronic drinking. According to Scott Swartzwelder, Ph.D. (coauthor of Buzzed), consistent vasodilation caused by drinking alcohol leads to more blood flowing through your blood vessels. This condition occurs naturally in our bodies in response to various stimuli. However, excessive vasodilation caused by external factors, like drinking alcohol, can be problematic. Your provider will also conduct a physical exam to check the petechiae’s size, color, and distribution.
This means it’s a substance that actually relaxes the muscular walls of the blood vessels and allows more blood to flow to the skin and tissues — aka a blood thinner. So when you drink alcohol and injure yourself, you can be left with a bigger, more noticeable bruise than you might see while sober. I was not sure about it first but I went ahead and started the treatment from them anyways and so far it’s been a dream. The inability to stop drinking while being aware of the consequences indicates that you may be developing alcohol dependence.

Why do I get sore legs when I drink alcohol?
- The conclusions were made from a review of studies and announced by “NIH Health” on March 23, 2009.
- When it comes to drinking, remember to always prioritize your well-being and make appropriate decisions.
- It’s not completely clear why some people are more prone to this complication than others.
- In fact, a person who drinks heavily might not recognize that the symptoms they are experiencing are related to their alcohol consumption.
- People with alcoholism can develop erosive gastritis, where the stomach lining wears away.
Other signs of an alcohol use disorder include spending a significant amount of time drinking, or consuming larger quantities of alcohol than intended. A person may also develop a tolerance for alcohol, meaning that they need larger and larger amounts to obtain the desired effects. One of the diagnostic criteria that points toward an alcohol use disorder is continuing to drink, even in the face of consequences. These consequences can include relationship problems, difficulty fulfilling duties at work or home, or a worsening of health problems.
signs unexplained bruising may be worrisome
If your healthcare provider suspects problems with your blood vessels, skin, or bone marrow, they might perform a skin or bone biopsy. A biopsy involves taking a small piece of tissue using a unique tool and looking at it closely under a microscope. Petechiae can happen due to problems with blood clotting (proteins that make a blood clot to seal a wound). Injuries, straining, low platelets (cells that form a plug to stop the bleeding after injury), platelet dysfunction, and weak or swollen blood vessels can also cause petechiae.